
Pictures for Tour in Israel

During May 11–22, 2019, I participated in a Bible Lands Study Tour led by two professors in the Divinity School at Campbell University in Buies Creek, North Carolina. I have posted 19 pictures on Flickr, and for each picture I wrote a title and a few sentences of descriptive text.

You can see the pictures by following this link to Flickr.

Follow these steps if you want to see my title and text:
  • Scroll down below the opening picture. Click on one of the pictures displayed lower on the page.
  • This should get you into slide-show mode with the picture in the middle, and arrows on the right or left to move ahead or back through the pictures.
  • My title and additional text will be below the picture. You may have to scroll down to see the text.
When in slide-show mode you can get an enlarged picture by clicking in the middle of a picture.

Flickr will pester you with some ads; sorry.